Well check this one out, Drew's team got her first win this past week! Awesome for the girls!
Just prior to the goal that got the girls the win, Drew got tagged by a ball on her face, so she wasnt on the field when the goal was scored, but look at her face in this shot!
The pre-game "warm-up!?"
A few minutes later, we were watching Brady! This was a game that Brady will never forget!
Why? Because today Brady scored his first goal! Thats right! Brady was just in the right open spot when the cross came, unlike a couple of weeks ago, he made it!
This weekend the family was invited to attend, a perfect day with games back to back, early and awesome weather! Thanks to Nana & Papa and The Orick's for making it to a memorable day for the kids!
Post game wrap up! Yup, Drew and Mila were beat!